Tuesday 16 October 2007


Today Karin, who I was introduced to at the Newbury Art Stamp Show, and I finally met up for a day of playing. Karin lives just 10 minutes from me, and this is the first time I have had anyone to play with ( in the art sense :) ) We had great fun, chatted a lot, looked at things we had both done and then played around making jointed shrink plastic dolls.

Here are the ones I made. I have never done these before and I had great fun making the bigger one, which is doodled. The small one was hard for me to fix together, being as hamfisted as I am lol, but I did get there in the end.

We both enjoyed the day, and hope to meet up on a regular basis, and actually are taking a small trip together on Saturday morning......chasing new supplies? well maybe!

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